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The best multi-academy trusts understand where each academy is on its school improvement journey and pinpoint precisely the issues that need to be addressed if it is to make progress – whether these relate to a school’s culture and expectations of pupils, leadership, governance, attendance, behaviour, teaching and learning, assessment or variability in performance
Our approach to school improvement is to customise our advice, guidance and support depending on the specific issues faced by the school, alongside considerations of the type and nature of the school. We do not impose “Falcon in a Box” or have a one-size-fits-all approach. In each case, however, we take the principles of best practice in relation to school improvement, using research-led and enquiry-based methodology to ensure successful change for the future of the academy.
Each school we work with has a bespoke plan which is fully costed to deliver effective use of staffing or resources. Where appropriate, funding is sought to provide for any essential building work. These plans are formulated following a forensic due diligence process which establishes the precise needs and requirements for each project with which we are associated
In the main, school improvement focuses on the development of the following core areas:
- Strong governance – responsibility is deployed through our scheme of delegation and locally run Academy Councils
- Effective leadership and management – building the skills of both senior and middle leaders; implementing effective staffing structures, incorporating the use of “the Deeps” to oversee all areas of school management. We support our Academy Leadership Teams to build strong and purposeful relationships with their communities to help facilitate continuous improvement in both teaching and learning. By working together, we are building positive and collaborative environments in which children can thrive.
- Strong behaviour management – a policy and supporting procedures to ensure a safe learning environment for all students
- An effective curriculum – affording all students the best opportunity to become well rounded individuals and to progress to the next stage of their education with the best qualifications possible. The curriculum will be balanced, well-sequenced, and differentiated to meet all students’ needs. The curriculum will be monitored to ensure it is implemented consistently
- Coaching improvement in teaching and learning/developing pedagogy – we use our Subject Directors and links with other trusts and teaching school alliances to facilitate this
- Developing practice to support robust safeguarding and provision for students with SEND
- Improving attendance and overall welfare of students through careful use of the curriculum and development of inclusive provision
- Developing the effective use of data and data management systems to support all aspects of school improvement
- Developing robust assessment, moderation, and marking and feedback practises, and using a RAG to support the use of appropriate interventions for students to improve outcomes
- Using digital technology to enhance the curriculum, support the disadvantaged, and improve operational practice
- Using “Deep Dives” and other QA practice to constantly monitor provision and progress
With regard to operational improvement then the following areas are key:
- Working with SRMAs (School Resource Management Advisors) and undertaking ICFP (Integrated Curriculum-led Financial Planning) to implement best practice in terms of financial and resource management, alongside optimising the curriculum offer
- Proactive financial management
- Estates – ensuring buildings meet all necessary requirements in respect of health and safety, offer appropriate facilities for students and meet the needs of the curriculum, with assets being effectively managed for best value for money and to support the community as appropriate
- Development of the IT infrastructure and IT enabled resources to support teaching and learning
- Developing compliance and efficiency - reviewing estates management, data management, website content, and procurement and contract management – introducing changes to improve these areas if appropriate
- Improving admissions and NOR (numbers on roll)
- Ensuring robust risk management and audit procedures are in place
- Developing stakeholder engagement
- Marketing - improving the profile of the school and its place in the community
- Reviewing and implementing effective systems and processes for the effective management of the academy, introducing new software if appropriate to facilitate this
- Developing reporting infrastructures and developing accountability
- Professional development of service areas and support staff
- Developing strong governance through our system of delegated responsibility to Academy Councils – reviewing policy to ensure it positively supports and impacts
Specific support for staff:
Whilst we are a small and relatively new trust without some of the components more established trusts may have, the strength of our trust lies in our different operating model and our collaboration with other highly successful trusts and expert individuals, through which we have access to a wide and varied range of support for our teachers and staff. We are keen to provide all staff with appropriate professional development. This support includes the following:
- Director of Education support - linking with subject directors in other trusts; joining their meetings and working with them to develop and build interventions, resources, schemes of work and support
- Teaching school alliance support – ensuring ECTs (Early Career Teachers) receive the best in support appropriate to the stage in their career
- Maths Hub support
- Shadowing staff in other schools; pairing with staff in other schools to develop understanding of specific roles and aspects of work
- Visits to Good/Outstanding schools in our partner trusts
- Coaching for staff – delivered through our support network
- Support with resources/materials and moderation – access to high quality materials
- Access to discussion forums for the latest news
- NLE (National Leaders of Education) and SLE (Specialist Leaders of Education) support for senior leaders and to assist in developing middle leaders
- Access to training courses
- Quality performance management and line management for both teachers and support staff